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Japanese crossword «Pod»

Size: 25x15Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:06.09.16Author: Arina

Giuliano (9 October 2017, 15:04) complain
It took me longer than expected. Tricky little puzzle whi a nice picture as reward!
AniW (29 October 2017, 14:13) complain
The stem part really confused me, thought it was some insect even after solved
swford (23 January 2018, 18:28) complain
I've been solving so many fish puzzles on this site recently that I thought this was going to be something aquatic. Hahahaha!
isayitslove (17 April 2018, 19:11) complain
I really enjoyed this one. Difficult but not frustrating, and interesting result. Nice job. :)
Karal_Daskin (13 November 2018, 12:16) complain
Wow, it was hard for me to start this one! Nice result.
The-Nono-Gram (1 June 2019, 8:47) complain
It is FUN to do ones that aren't simple or very simple. I sure couldn't figure out what kind of BUG this was. Thanks for the challenge and nice result.
Christine_Siluk (13 October 2019, 14:56) complain
Thanks for the unique and interesting puzzle!
babsghia (14 October 2020, 5:08) complain
nice unique puzzle, thanks,
Celandine (3 December 2020, 6:19) complain
nice surprise - I thought it was a caterpillar!
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