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Japanese crossword «Viking»

Size: 35x28Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:02.09.16Author: evgenij

Guest: marime (17 March 2018, 10:06) complain
what is it ???
name (29 March 2018, 15:22) complain
Grumpy warrior in a horned helmet! I thought it was a crab until I finished the grey.
hotmailjen (29 August 2018, 14:52) complain
I was thinking pig on grass but could not understand why the top of his head is grey.
innhdahh (7 September 2018, 8:08) complain
I thought it was a frog.
pengowl (11 December 2018, 14:43) complain
I started from the bottom and I thought it was a coocked chicken until I finished :). But good job, loved the figure!
revspy (21 April 2021, 13:56) complain
Thought its gonna be a crab
I am told it's a viking
I see a Pig in a helmet
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