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Japanese crossword «Nurse»

Size: 30x45Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:01.09.16Author: Eric_Windeman

Heidrun_Searles (13 September 2016, 3:27) complain
I know a nursee that looks like that!
nonomai (27 September 2016, 11:46) complain
Great structure for puzzle, picture is not bad but more risque than one would expect from the title. More difference between red and orange would have been welcome but that's a minor flaw.
heyerfan (16 December 2016, 1:44) complain
Tacky and crass.
sallyg (20 January 2019, 10:29) complain
I've learned to know, because of the designer's name, the general 'theme' of his designs - but I have to say, this one was really fun! Very stylized, nice colors, and fun to work. Thanks!
Catgirl (25 November 2020, 21:50) complain
Why doesn’t she has any eyes? It would be handy for a nurse to have eyes i think! :p
Ellymayc (7 June 2021, 2:41) complain
I want to like the clever design but I really dislike this sort of image - it's time we stopped the 'naughty nurse' stereotype which demeans hard-working and highly educated professionals. Sorry to sound preachy on a fun website, but it does drive me mad...
DeskWarrior (10 December 2021, 2:53) complain
it is fun
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