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Japanese crossword «Teddy Bear»

Size: 40x45Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:03.03.11

froghopper (11 September 2016, 2:30) complain
Bright red bear with big blue tie
kr33p3r (1 March 2017, 2:27) complain
Colors are too harsh on the eyes.
ecstaticradish (7 April 2019, 22:24) complain
aww! so sweet!
ggg (20 March 2021, 16:47) complain
a tip for solving a single color at one time: if segments of the color occupy a relatively obvious area, cover that area with a different color to mark the area and then solved it like it's a separate small puzzle with the correct color until the wrong color is gone. sometimes you can't get all the spots but you'll at least get part the whole puzzle solved more simply because smaller puzzles are easier in general. It also works if a color could occupy several disparate probable areas because you can eliminate incorrect areas by solving others because the disparate areas will always be in mirrored locations.
lulurose (4 September 2021, 13:21) complain
Lovely, lots of fun
kkezir (26 June 2024, 16:48) complain
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