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Japanese crossword «Chocolate Candy»

Size: 26x25Picture:5/10Difficulty:5/10Added:14.08.16Author: ilessa

Maluca (15 August 2016, 0:53) complain
Al principio, no sabía que era, al final sigo sin saberlo a pesar del título. No me atrevería a comerlo. :-(
Guest: Sue (15 August 2016, 11:40) complain
The colors are way too close together. It is very difficult to see which is which.
Lazarus504 (15 August 2016, 21:52) complain
Christiana_Bradshaw (18 August 2016, 4:24) complain
Yeah, even with the title it's unclear.
Twigg118 (26 March 2017, 15:38) complain
Can't tell what it is - even with the title. The too-close shades of brown make it difficult to tell them apart at times
froghopper (27 March 2017, 4:37) complain
Looks like a seashell
Jimbobovalsocks (10 May 2017, 15:23) complain
I'm with Lazarus. Plain bad!
lee41288 (24 May 2017, 19:21) complain
I can see where you were going with this, but it is unfortunately not well executed. Looks closer to a walnut or squashed pecan...
QuazzleTheQaz (8 May 2018, 15:15) complain
It's not bad, but not above average either...
ReyEames (15 May 2018, 10:47) complain
No challenge, just tedious counting from the bottom up. Not fun to solve, and no picture as a reward at the end.
show: 1 🗨
Alone4220 (12 March 2020, 4:14) complain
Definitely agree, especially with the colors. I kept having to go back when I realized my shade was wrong haha!
Prikichi (25 May 2018, 6:54) complain
I agree, it's no fun just counting without real puzzling with colours that resemble each other too close and the result is what looks to me like a pile of sh*t or maybe a loaf of bread you just baked. Sorry but that's what I think
Dottie (26 June 2018, 21:00) complain
I was able to see it after I saw it as a thumbnail, it looks like a Valentine's day candy that you get from those big boxes. It's not terrible, but it was a little challenging using the colors
Merl (6 September 2018, 8:29) complain
Maybe it melted. :) A fun puzzle, but the picture leaves a little to be desired. I like the shading. The colors weren't too similar for me.
Lephis (22 February 2019, 5:20) complain
It has a very interesting shape, but the sheer amount of gradients used makes it impossible to tell what it's meant to be even mostly done.
Guest: zzx (29 April 2019, 19:57) complain
Is it a steak? What's it supposed to be?
VisionAri (1 May 2019, 20:49) complain
I don't want to be discouraging but it's really difficult to tell what this is, even after I saw the title. Perhaps if the colors of the wrapper weren't so similar to the colors of the candy, it would have been easier to make out.
debbiekm618 (7 January 2020, 16:48) complain
Wait so it's NOT a seashell !?
Jedda_Lingmar (4 February 2021, 5:36) complain
I enjoyed this one. Thanks to the uploader.
thenoceurs (11 August 2021, 23:52) complain
It looks like bread.
assassinassassin1 (12 August 2021, 7:15) complain
It's much clearer in the thumbnail!
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