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Japanese crossword «Nipple»

Size: 36x37Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:02.08.16Author: LYUDMILA

Buzzbuzz1980 (1 February 2018, 1:18) complain
Kept me guessing right up to the end!
Pompeyfandan (22 May 2018, 12:19) complain
Nipple means something rather different in the UK.
show: 1 🗨
zyphod (6 November 2021, 1:45) complain
the bottle top that is made to be sucked on is called a nipple in the US, the part on the breast that is made to be sucked on is also called a nipple.
some words in the US have multiple meanings...
Catgirl (22 December 2019, 11:52) complain
What is that?? A nipple is something completely different in Europe! But a European nipple is porn in the US I believe ;)
Catgirl (22 December 2019, 11:55) complain
Lyudmila sounds more Russian. Is a nipple taboo in Russia also? :))
MirdifMinx (5 June 2023, 14:53) complain
That ain’t no titty
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