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Japanese crossword «Rose»

Size: 30x39Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:25.07.16Author: avos-tm

Guest: meow (26 August 2017, 23:18) complain
I found this quite tough, but it is solvable, with a bit of patience.
Janet (28 September 2017, 9:35) complain
Had resort to a few guesses there !! Thank you :))
Guest: klind (5 October 2017, 23:37) complain
really nice!! and it was challanging, that's good!
Merl (24 September 2018, 4:59) complain
Very tough! I'm proud of myself; I was able to solve it without guessing. What a pretty picture! It was worth it.
hotmailjen (5 February 2020, 21:27) complain
Phew. Lots of counting until I could find the next squares ti fill in without guessing.
DogFace (5 June 2020, 22:36) complain
Took far less than average time, but it did need a lot of patience!!!
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