Japanese crossword «Pokemon Aron»
Size: 16x14 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 01.07.16 | Author: ashleylsherman |
Figured out the picture about halfway. Nicely done. Although I can see how it'd look confusing to non-Pokemon fans.
replyYep, like all the other Pokémon... things..., just one big blurb of random colors. I guess I'm too for this...
replyAlso, not familiar with these Pokemon things. Oh, well...
replyTry googling the name afterwards. You may find it interesting to see how the picture matches the original character.
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These Pokemon things are just getting more and more like random blobs. But then I'm an old fart. *totters over to his rocking chair*
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One of the worst on the site, ridiculously easy, no thought required, and I certainly wasn't doing it by working out what the picture is!!
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Hmm, it lacks highlight as its original sprite had. Would be better if leave empty spaces.
At first, I thought it was an odd keystone but rendered in grey. Then, when I realized it was *** I audibly gasped. One of my absolute favs. So cute!