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Japanese crossword «Rolling Stones Logo»

Size: 23x22Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:25.06.16Author: Yum-Yum

Celandine (16 November 2020, 0:36) complain
Technically it's good, but I've never much liked that symbol, though the group's pretty good. One thing that was very well done about this puzzle is that I had no clue what it was till I was done.
musashisakai (18 December 2020, 8:14) complain
After reading the title it's a nice surprise!
munkin (16 January 2021, 23:04) complain
I found this one to be difficult, as I couldn't figure out a good starting point. Despite my frustrations (with myself), I found it interesting and liked the result!
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