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Japanese crossword «Hedgehog in the Fog»

Size: 12x26Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:06.06.16Author: Alyam

elemenopee (17 June 2016, 4:00) complain
what on earth is this
DarthBlood (23 June 2016, 16:29) complain
This looks like a disease infested poodle, not a "hedgehog in the fog".
chyde (12 July 2016, 23:51) complain
Never would have guessed. Looks more like a gift laden sheep covered in gore
lenny_kouwenberg (17 July 2016, 18:42) complain
Wolf after a meal?
Ashenaya (2 September 2016, 4:52) complain
random dots of colour do not a hedgehog make.
Guest: ririka (23 September 2016, 15:13) complain
Nice try at the cartoon character. The orange color confused me a bit. For those who do not know the reference, google "hedgehog in the fog" images.
show: 1 🗨
Maxester (19 September 2019, 3:26) complain
You just cleared the picture for me, thank you!
Alasea (9 March 2017, 20:21) complain
Yep, Google really helped.
FellHarbor (25 July 2017, 22:59) complain
Thanks for the tip, Ririka! I think maybe a brown pallet would've represented the idea better. Orange bits aren't really working as shading... Definitely looks more wolf than hedgehog, despite the quills sticking out the back. Interesting to do, puzzle-wise.
Sam_C (20 November 2017, 19:24) complain
Regardless of what it is or isn't, it's hilarious.
Guest: meow (13 September 2018, 12:55) complain
Fun puzzle, but I was also surprised by the result! I think the image is a particularly difficult one to recreate in such a small nonogram. Good try though, and I enjoyed the puzzle. Thanks.
michis_daughter (10 April 2019, 11:57) complain
Aw! Is he lost?
Nonowahn (20 June 2019, 10:41) complain
I like the result. And the contrast between dark gray and orange is nice when solving it.
msat (17 May 2020, 12:24) complain
Yes, the orange is a bit strange, but looking at the Google images, I definitely can see it -- and I love the little bag tied in a bow.
babsghia (30 September 2020, 0:12) complain
looks like the character, but agree the orange is too bright, nice design otherwise, thanks
magis (16 November 2020, 12:01) complain
it's a cutie... Love the story!
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