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Japanese crossword «Traffic light»

Size: 11x31Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:27.05.16Author: bylewolne

Caldyphen (28 May 2016, 0:27) complain
Shouldn't the green and red be switched? It's strange to see a traffic signal upside down like that.
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mrneil6 (24 October 2021, 21:52) complain
Generally, yes - Geneva convention set the standard of red on top... but there are some areas that don't follow that standard (there's a place in Syracuse, NY that the Irish descendants in the area regularly vandalize any light that is placed with the red on top - apparently they consider that a slight to the Irish (symbolized by the green - with the red symbolizing England).
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mpbrockman (9 April 2023, 23:02) complain
Thank you. What a fascinating bit of trivia.
Vuoto (28 May 2016, 18:02) complain
Mako is right, still nice anyway
Valaroma (31 May 2016, 22:37) complain
Maybe the order of colors is different in some countries :p
katie1108 (11 August 2016, 17:57) complain
this one was really fun!
Palouday (16 November 2016, 6:26) complain
Fun, colourful, bright, easy ... a great combination.
TheDarkoko (19 November 2016, 21:29) complain
It was obvious just by looking at the colors.
Guest: loxie (19 April 2017, 14:35) complain
it's upside down!
JayH (23 April 2018, 23:55) complain
Yes, folks, some countries put the green on top and the red on the bottom.
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Karal_Daskin (8 December 2018, 7:55) complain
Thanks. I’ve only driven in one country so I didn’t know.
Annelie (13 August 2018, 12:27) complain
Good fun puzzle with an unusual theme.
michis_daughter (2 April 2019, 11:33) complain
Cool colours!
splash (10 November 2019, 23:52) complain
As far as i can tell, this must be from Syracuse
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MRonchell (18 May 2021, 5:49) complain
Your right splash. Syracuse is famous for its green light on top traffic signal. Apparently installed in 1925 with green on top to honor its Irish heritage.
bluehen (16 June 2022, 18:41) complain
Not "bad" but very boring...even for my little one beside me.
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