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Japanese crossword «Summer»

Size: 50x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:17.05.16Author: LYUDMILA

leprevost (24 August 2016, 9:31) complain
Aucun intérêt car aucune logique. On passe son temps à tatonner. Un nonogramme doit être logique !
Jolanda_Smeets (25 August 2016, 19:19) complain
Mooie afbeelding, maar vond 'm wel pittig om te maken.
rebelsong (12 September 2016, 18:29) complain
This one took me a couple hours. Mainly because I kept getting "distracted" by work, but it's also a tough puzzle!
Janet (17 November 2016, 9:48) complain
Goodness that took me forever! Very nice - thank you :)
starg8fans (6 January 2017, 21:50) complain
Beautiful picture, but it took forever. And the many white spaces required a lot of guesswork.
Lawi (28 October 2018, 20:27) complain
Very interesting! Most puzzles get easier towards the end, but here the last fifth or so was the most difficult. Still doable without guessing but it took a lot. Beautiful picture, too.
Madison13 (23 May 2019, 4:20) complain
leprevost is totally wrong... this can 100% be solved with logic alone. It took me several hours, but I did it with 0 guesses and 0 hints.
robi80 (12 December 2023, 0:38) complain
Doable without gueswork, however it takes a lot of time to figure out all the short strings. Thx.
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