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Japanese crossword «Shoot»

Size: 17x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:09.05.16Author: Arina

Guest: Maddy (2 August 2016, 11:53) complain
shoot??? its a plant and a shovel plz help me understand
show: 1 🗨
Celandine (27 October 2020, 23:18) complain
The green part of a sprouting seed that grows up above the soil is called the shoot - you have the root going down and the shoot going up.
therese (30 August 2016, 5:27) complain
Very cute.
Guest: ririka (30 September 2016, 20:47) complain
Plants have shoots
Akshat (5 January 2017, 8:06) complain
I suppose that's dirt around the shoot and not a pot.
Keith (4 February 2017, 8:20) complain
Ever heard of pandas eating shoots and leaves? :) A shoot is similar to a sprout. The shovel is there because someone just put it in the pot.
show: 2 🗨
justella42 (18 October 2020, 21:47) complain
oh, i thought it was spelled "chute."
3strikesurout (4 June 2022, 5:48) complain
I'm glad you didn't use commas. They destroy lives.
wronkaa (10 September 2017, 14:14) complain
Yes, and you have to remember that this is russian site, and a lot of autors are russian. So sometimes titles are funny because of translations. Like in this joke, where they translate the sentence "body is weak but the spirit is strong" in russian and back in english and they get "meat is rotten but vodka is strong"
Sheryl_Hill (22 November 2017, 21:52) complain
I've noticed that, Alina. It's fun to try to imagine what word was mistranslated.
Guest: loxie (11 January 2018, 15:50) complain
I have to try to remember 'meat is rotten but vodka is strong' - that's so amusing. Anyhow picture is cute.
Imda (10 February 2018, 16:06) complain
Lovely picture. I had trouble completing the handle of the shovel.
Karal_Daskin (13 July 2018, 9:15) complain
Very nice
brumeux77 (20 January 2019, 1:18) complain
Very large shovel (or more likely trowel) for such a small pot. That phrase, BTW, I think you'll find more commonly as "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:41).
Celandine (27 October 2020, 23:17) complain
I learned something in doing the trowel handle - I finally saw that only the dark brown square could go at the top left.
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