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Japanese crossword «Sebastian (Stardew Valley)»

Size: 64x64Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:12.11.24Author: silkysmooth

Author silkysmooth (13 November 2024, 6:52) complain
After years of trying to get him up, I've finally satisfied the moderators and got Sebastian up. This is for all the girls, guys, and everyone neither or in-between, that love themselves a good emo boy.
krakenleggie (14 November 2024, 5:02) complain
i didn't see the author's comment but recognized who it was after filling in the section with the hoodie. guess it speaks to how much i play the game lol
Frankamg (15 November 2024, 10:03) complain
Great image but not sure why moderators didn't allow before. Looks perfectly fine to me!
show: 1 🗨
Author silkysmooth (17 November 2024, 2:08) complain
I had to constantly keep changing colors because the actual spite has too similar of colors UnU
caranium (16 November 2024, 21:57) complain
thank you so much for making!!! he will always be my first love in stardew
show: 1 🗨
Author silkysmooth (20 November 2024, 6:18) complain
he's just a little goth boy who plays D&D, rides a motorcycle, and likes frogs <3
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