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Japanese crossword «Blue Roses»

Size: 49x49Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:30.10.24Author: Small-boss

Isacoo (1 November 2024, 2:34) complain
Very challenging! I love it.
cdericso (2 November 2024, 1:18) complain
Definitely a challenge. I had some trouble getting started because I miscounted. Once I got going I was able to move at a good pace. The other challenge was the blues are so similar, I had to use the long-press-left-button to select the color each time. Thanks for a beautiful puzzle.
NancyUK (7 November 2024, 4:26) complain
I took my time with this one, and the results are gorgeous. Great choice of colours. Thanks
CT-9904 (4 December 2024, 0:54) complain
Sell those for some bells!
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