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Japanese crossword «Cat kiss»

Size: 43x28Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:28.09.24Author: Chipalaka

cdericso (29 September 2024, 4:24) complain
Cute. The two oranges are difficult to distinguish but left click helped when I realized there were 2 different shades.
sstjeb (29 September 2024, 19:34) complain
Early on, I didn't understand why I kept getting an error. Finally realized there were two different oranges. I don't usually mind this, but in this case, I think there were too close. And the lighter one was used so little, I don't think it really added anything to the picture.

The picture itself is good.
swford (2 October 2024, 3:34) complain
How adorable!
sylvermagic (2 October 2024, 14:40) complain
The facial expressions are prrrfect
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