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Japanese crossword «Koala»

Size: 100x98Picture:8/10Difficulty:4/10Added:12.09.24Author: perengren

Anaderol (14 September 2024, 2:10) complain
I usually don't bother with the large puzzles - this one is a tad tedious, the pale grey is sufficiently 'white' that on occasion I confused the pale grey with blank squares...irrespective the end result is rather stunning and the pale grey is the perfect shade of grey. It is a minimalist portrayal.
SirToni (14 September 2024, 11:44) complain
Size isn't justified. It should've been much smaller.
show: 1 🗨
Rooks (17 September 2024, 20:05) complain
Agreed. Especially in the upper top left corner can be eliminated and still result in a good image.
giomagno (14 September 2024, 13:42) complain
Nice picture!
elizab (15 September 2024, 11:20) complain
Very cute.
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