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Japanese crossword «Eeyore»

Size: 45x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:5/10Added:21.08.24Author: imari13

Janet (22 August 2024, 9:28) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
Sililoquotation (22 August 2024, 17:44) complain
Good Puzzle, but it's the wrong color and design for the character it claims to be.
show: 2 🗨
arnoud_rattink (22 August 2024, 21:28) complain
I do not agree, the original images are black and white anyway. And I recognized him at 25%, so the design is OK. Very good in fact!
show: 1 🗨
Sililoquotation (23 August 2024, 15:41) complain
Design for the animal is great! But the original design is still not like this.

But I did not mean to start a disagreement. We have our opinions and I celebrate them both equally.

Have a great day!
wend (22 August 2024, 22:37) complain
really cute, thank you
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