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Japanese crossword «Waitress»

Size: 82x197Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:12.07.24Author: maniac67

EvilDafs (13 July 2024, 20:06) complain
This was a fun one, thanks!
Ageleni (14 July 2024, 4:31) complain
This is the largest one I have ever done thus far. I usually do not attempt things this big, but the colors seemed intriguing. It took me several hours! While I was expecting more detail given the size of the puzzle, I cannot deny that this is a very striking minimalist image. Thanks!
show: 1 🗨
Anaderol (15 July 2024, 0:03) complain
Agree - I never attempt them either - I've got half way from the top - obvious what result will be - and once I guess the outcome the interest dissipates.
nono-nono (16 July 2024, 11:35) complain
Correctly done, a waiter carries a tray on his (her) left hand
ddb (16 July 2024, 22:40) complain
I like that it's big but not complicated. Good high-resolution drawing.
Catgirl (20 July 2024, 6:12) complain
Lovelly picture. The only thing that made it difficult was the swiping, but i still enjoyed it! ❤️
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