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Japanese crossword «Eye of Sauron (Lord of the Rings)»

Size: 15x25Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:10.07.24Author: rosharp

snowflake101 (11 July 2024, 15:14) complain
I really like how much detail you managed to put into such little space.
elftrees (11 July 2024, 16:56) complain
I found the grays just too close in tone, and combined with the relatively large number of single cells, things became a little frustrating. Nice image at the end, though, and always glad to see a new artist...
show: 1 🗨
Celandine (15 July 2024, 21:06) complain
I had the same problem with the greys
carolinenoonan (11 July 2024, 18:09) complain
hell yeah
RubeRad (12 July 2024, 23:31) complain
Love it! I am really bored with flowers all the time, and usually skip them if the empty puzzle looks like it might be a flower

But this time it wasn't long before I knew exactly what this was, and I enjoyed finishing it!
leachyy (13 July 2024, 16:35) complain
nice reference!!!
Alli (17 July 2024, 7:58) complain
Best. Puzzle. EVER!
kyukurarin (17 July 2024, 13:20) complain
the greys are hard but otherwise very lovely
HellsBelle (19 July 2024, 21:09) complain
Nice picture, but the greys are way too hard to tell apart. I quit once I got past all the yellows, red, and oranges.
RoseGold050 (23 July 2024, 13:11) complain
I can hear the music... Love it!
Athelas (24 July 2024, 21:08) complain
Loved the picture- especially the shading!
Krande (5 August 2024, 20:08) complain
I recognized from the thumbnail of the instructions, then still had trouble with the greys. (Not only telling them apart but because it's a finicky little part of the puzzle.) Matches the character!
Land yes, I heard the music too.
kerwincormier (9 September 2024, 3:30) complain
Interesting and unique
aussieinca (16 September 2024, 20:41) complain
Greys were tough, and plenty of singles, usually tiresome, but in this case built an excellent puzzle with a great subject!
capybara1233ea (19 November 2024, 5:37) complain
once I finished the eye I knew what it was right away
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