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Japanese crossword «Olive sprig»

Size: 41x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:10.03.24Author: VetaShine

TigerLilly (13 March 2024, 18:06) complain
The key to solving this puzzle was mostly by finding all the blocks I could x out. I had very few colored pixels at first. Most of the color I filled in during second half of solve, and even then, finding blocks to x out was still important to solution.
SueQue (22 March 2024, 10:01) complain
Very nice, but tricky with all the white space
Hardytax (23 March 2024, 5:28) complain
I love it, true logic puzzle
elftrees (23 March 2024, 15:03) complain
was easy along the edges, but the middle--super tricky! An elegant result!
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