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Japanese crossword «Chikipi»

Size: 19x19Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:29.02.24Author: ElyssaFlaherty

Kasting (1 March 2024, 4:16) complain
I just couldn't figure out enough crossover about the greys to finish it, too many empty spaces.
show: 1 🗨
Krande (29 March 2024, 12:43) complain
Try looking at which grey can come to which spot. Very often it's like 'one dark, one pale' on one direction and 'the next is: dark, fark, dark, grey' in the other direction. Combing these together is tedious but gives a lot of help.
teg8245 (1 March 2024, 8:56) complain
the eyes are scary
kerwincormier (1 March 2024, 20:34) complain
That fell together nicely. Cute simple result.
Athunderbear (1 March 2024, 21:57) complain
didn't find any reason in the grey areas, just guessing. Maybe I missed some clues.
show: 1 🗨
mtr (27 March 2024, 21:17) complain
I didn't guess anything! it's solvable! but took some time and it was pretty difficult
3strikesurout (2 March 2024, 13:21) complain
Wow, that took a lot of work. It was a lot of figuring out where certain colors couldn't go. Eventually figured it out without having to place an X.
Maiju (2 March 2024, 14:53) complain
Much harder than the size would imply. But I was able to solve it.
travelmom (2 March 2024, 20:23) complain
started with the yellows and reds then the greys fell into place easier.
swford (2 March 2024, 21:14) complain
I"m tired now.
Hardytax (3 March 2024, 23:59) complain
Really good, especially since there is really not much symmetry with this puzzle.
jt42 (7 March 2024, 8:09) complain
A bit more challenging than expected. I did the bright colors first. For the grays, I started at the bottom and bottom right then worked clockwise to the top left until I got stuck, then counterclockwise to the top right (more or less).
elftrees (11 March 2024, 14:49) complain
Definitely very challenging for it's size, but I worked it row by row from the bottom (the two sets of yellow were a dead giveaway) and had fun with it.Cute result, though (as several people said) the eyes are a bit scary!
caurii (11 March 2024, 17:28) complain
skary eyes
mtr (27 March 2024, 21:16) complain
started pretty easy but then it got difficult! nice one
Laurasherman (18 April 2024, 17:50) complain
I'm new to these and found this to be a little difficult, but very cool!!
FintheFae (4 May 2024, 3:11) complain
it friend
Ruddles1325 (7 August 2024, 11:18) complain
Clever puzzle being Small but very difficult to complete. Towards the end I had to step away for a while, then came back and could complete the last section of greys.
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