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Japanese crossword «Blonde Girl»

Size: 111x200Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:22.02.24Author: Hackepeter

iantgreat (23 February 2024, 1:22) complain
I don't have the time or screen size to do a nonogram like this, so out of curiosity, how long did it take anybody who actually completed this gram to finish it?
show: 5 🗨
ChaosK84 (23 February 2024, 9:48) complain
It took me ~3 hrs to complete.
Heliotrope (23 February 2024, 17:07) complain
Haha I don't know how that other person completed so fast, it took me 6 hrs! Though I took quite a few breaks.
Sgc45 (24 February 2024, 16:09) complain
cleared over the course of 13 hours but was more like 3 if i had just concerntrated. i like to watch videos and or listen to podcasts and music as i do puzzles and with larger detailed ones like this the lack of gaps means they are pretty simple to actually do once you "find" where each block of colour is.
Petse (24 February 2024, 20:40) complain
Some kind of time machine on top of the puzzle says 6 hours 19 minutes and 45 seconds. That was calculated in about 24 hours time frame. I have no idea what it calculated as the time I spent on this one; during the 24 hours the computer was running, on idle, shut down and used for other tasks. So was I.
Used my laptop with 15" screen.

This was not as easy as blondes usually are ;)

The picture was clearly one of the best four I have completed.
Thank you, Hackepeter!
show: 1 🗨
iantgreat (26 February 2024, 19:40) complain
I guess the timer gets kinda whacked out sometimes. There have been a few times where I'll start a puzzle at work on Friday, and then finish it monday morning, and the timer never says 72 hours on it.
Don (24 February 2024, 3:56) complain
On my second day LOL
Heyitsme (27 February 2024, 1:02) complain
gonzalo (29 February 2024, 2:10) complain
casi 18 horas pipipi
Spiros (2 March 2024, 9:36) complain
A pretty good puzzle and picture ...!!!.
It was pleasant to solve ...!!!.
Thank you ...!!!.
JV08 (14 May 2024, 7:49) complain
A 7-hour challenge spread over several days. Loved it!
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