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Japanese crossword «Kabob»

Size: 36x31Picture:8/10Difficulty:4/10Added:19.02.24Author: Whalsey

christinue (20 February 2024, 18:09) complain
Fun to do, tasty to see, thanks!
Bellie (20 February 2024, 23:02) complain
Not much detail, but fun challenge for such a small puzzle!
swford (20 February 2024, 23:41) complain
I thought it was a duster! The kind you use for reaching high corners and lamps!
This is much better! Hahahahaha!
kerwincormier (24 February 2024, 8:08) complain
Now that I see the title, yummy! I like making these for family gatherings. Always a hit.
Llyn (9 April 2024, 3:59) complain
Love these! Fun to solve and great colours, I started in the middle and worked up and then down. Had me guessing nearly the whole way, many thanks!
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