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Japanese crossword «Superhero - Impulse»

Size: 26x25Picture:5/10Difficulty:4/10Added:05.11.23Author: spicelesmint

Chorton (6 November 2023, 2:48) complain
No idea who this is! but fun to do!
show: 4 🗨
rmsgrey (6 November 2023, 5:35) complain
Impulse - Bart Allen - is Barry Allen's - the Flash's - grandson from when he was living in the 30th century, leaving Wally West as the Flash. Bart has also been Kid Flash and the Flash at various times, but Impulse was his first codename (and summed up his personality pretty well). In addition to being part of the Flash family, he was a founding member of Young Justice (and later joined the Teen Titans and Justice League)
show: 3 🗨
Chorton (6 November 2023, 9:52) complain
Ha ha...still never heard of any of that!!! But I don't buy USA comics. I guess thats why!
Author spicelesmint (6 November 2023, 15:17) complain
Omg i love you Bart is my fav DC character mwksmdksksks
show: 1 🗨
Author spicelesmint (6 November 2023, 15:18) complain
It was at rmsgrey btw
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