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Japanese crossword «Strawberries»

Size: 27x28Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:21.10.23Author: nanokitty

Lyndsy (24 October 2023, 20:21) complain
It took me ages to find the start point but once I got going it was most enjoyable and a pleasant if simple result.
aussieinca (11 November 2023, 2:00) complain
Definitely tough, I usually hate picking single squares, but i thought this puzzle had good logical progression and plenty of reasoning to add each square and unlock another possibility :) Thanks to the artist!
spicelesmint (19 November 2023, 20:15) complain
soo pretty!!!
Kalou (2 December 2023, 21:24) complain
Tough but very interesting to do, beautiful picture, thank's
soggy (4 April 2024, 3:29) complain
sweet picture <3
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