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Japanese crossword «Town Musicians of Bremen»

Size: 45x40Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:23.03.16Author: Kimi_Raikkonen

rebelsong (12 May 2016, 18:52) complain
I don't know who or what these guys are. But I enjoyed the puzzle.
starg8fans (22 December 2016, 18:24) complain
Must be a different version from the Brothers Grimm fairytale. Their musicians were a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster.
Jolanda_Smeets (3 May 2017, 16:17) complain
I don't know who they are, but it is a nice puzzle to do...funny picture and colors,
name (13 April 2018, 3:51) complain
I see a woman, a donkey, a cat and a dog? Not the story I grew up with, but nice challenge, good colour scheme.
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