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Japanese crossword «Ivysaur»

Size: 39x40Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:19.10.23Author: Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen

Puddings (20 October 2023, 4:14) complain
really nice sprite! never thought about using gb sprites when doing pokemon puzzles
show: 1 🗨
Author Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (6 November 2023, 20:57) complain
Me either. I had a wild hair to take a look at them and realized it's a totally untapped market.
Hardytax (21 October 2023, 21:45) complain
I can't believe I finished this puzzle! Difficult partially because of the color pattern, but definitely worthwhile.
show: 1 🗨
Author Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (6 November 2023, 20:57) complain
It's funny how difficult these things are when they don't look bad.
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