Japanese crossword «Sport car»
Size: 43x20 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 18.10.23 | Author: crevice |
Another colour puzzle I simply can't do because I can't tell the difference between two colours -- 5 and 6 -- and don't know how to adjust my screen so I can. They look identical to me. :(
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Click the cog wheel above the puzzle. In the window that opens, look at the
bottom and select "Use your palette...".
replybottom and select "Use your palette...".
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You're the second person to suggest that to me, but I don't see a cog wheel, and I don't see anything about changing the palette...
I just came back to this puzzle, after monkeying with the settings on my monitor (not at all intuitive!), and was able to solve this, albeit still with some difficulty.
replyI just came back to this puzzle, after monkeying with the settings on my monitor (not at all intuitive!), and was able to solve this, albeit still with some difficulty.
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5 and 6 are OK to me..but i don't see a cogwheel either as I have trouble with some colours.
replyI'm using a computer. Perhaps you're not?
Below Size, Picture and Difficulty rating, Added and Author and above the
picture I have the colours, some space, two circular buttons with "+" and "-",
some more space and then there is the _cog_ _wheel_ and lastly the full
screen button (four arrows pointing NE, SE, SW and NW).
replyBelow Size, Picture and Difficulty rating, Added and Author and above the
picture I have the colours, some space, two circular buttons with "+" and "-",
some more space and then there is the _cog_ _wheel_ and lastly the full
screen button (four arrows pointing NE, SE, SW and NW).
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I don't have anything between the colours and the picture...
I'm using Chrome on a laptop computer. Maybe the browser makes a difference??
replyI'm using Chrome on a laptop computer. Maybe the browser makes a difference??
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