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Japanese crossword «Sport car»

Size: 43x20Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:18.10.23Author: crevice

msat (19 October 2023, 3:34) complain
Another colour puzzle I simply can't do because I can't tell the difference between two colours -- 5 and 6 -- and don't know how to adjust my screen so I can. They look identical to me. :(
show: 1 🗨
babsiep (30 June 2024, 16:53) complain
I simply click and hold on the colour on the left or on top, it changes to the right colour.
euler (19 October 2023, 20:49) complain
Click the cog wheel above the puzzle. In the window that opens, look at the
bottom and select "Use your palette...".
show: 5 🗨
msat (26 October 2023, 1:49) complain
You're the second person to suggest that to me, but I don't see a cog wheel, and I don't see anything about changing the palette...
I just came back to this puzzle, after monkeying with the settings on my monitor (not at all intuitive!), and was able to solve this, albeit still with some difficulty.
show: 4 🗨
Chorton (31 October 2023, 2:05) complain
5 and 6 are OK to me..but i don't see a cogwheel either as I have trouble with some colours.
euler (2 January 2024, 13:06) complain
I'm using a computer. Perhaps you're not?

Below Size, Picture and Difficulty rating, Added and Author and above the
picture I have the colours, some space, two circular buttons with "+" and "-",
some more space and then there is the _cog_ _wheel_ and lastly the full
screen button (four arrows pointing NE, SE, SW and NW).
show: 2 🗨
msat (4 January 2024, 5:20) complain
I don't have anything between the colours and the picture...

I'm using Chrome on a laptop computer. Maybe the browser makes a difference??
show: 1 🗨
euler (17 January 2024, 19:25) complain
(Not too recent) Firefox here. Laptop or not makes no difference to me.

I've also remembered that I've selected Yes to "beta-testing" on the
Settings page. Perhaps that's it?
kc_lind (20 December 2023, 7:52) complain
babsiep (30 June 2024, 16:53) complain
Very good!
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