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Japanese crossword «Two flying Pikmin carry a strawberry»

Size: 51x42Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:03.10.23Author: iantgreat

rosoid1200 (5 October 2023, 12:26) complain
Lovely pikmin surprise ! :D
show: 2 🗨
Author iantgreat (5 October 2023, 23:24) complain
Thanks! This is my first nonogram and it was very difficult to make.
show: 1 🗨
rosoid1200 (7 October 2023, 11:12) complain
It was very well done ! I am looking forward to what you'll make next :)
babsiep (24 December 2023, 22:13) complain
I would love to attempt this nonogram, but it is so big! I will try it on my big screen.
show: 1 🗨
Author iantgreat (14 February 2024, 23:42) complain
Yeah, I'm trying to find the balance of making them look good without being huge. It really makes you appreciate the other users who make nonograms when you make your own.
Woomy (16 February 2024, 5:56) complain
Love seeing all the Pikmin, keep up the good work!
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