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Japanese crossword «Nana Deviluke»

Size: 200x149Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:17.09.23Author: kawabaka

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OgrandePinto (18 September 2023, 1:54) complain
Essa daqui parece ser dificil
Jamic (19 September 2023, 10:24) complain
Why so big ?
shimccc (19 September 2023, 17:55) complain
Please don't make it big for nothing.
TorstenP (21 September 2023, 1:46) complain
Puh! Exhausting!
drazzie (24 September 2023, 5:18) complain
that did not need to be so big, the difficulty comes from having to scroll back and forth so much and some colors being so similar to eachother
JV08 (30 September 2023, 7:57) complain
I really enjoyed the unique challenge of this puzzle.
SaturdayNight (1 October 2023, 4:11) complain
If you don't want to play a big puzzle, don't play a big puzzle. I like the time consuming challenge of puzzles like these. This was very satisfying and I found it fun. Good job.
show: 1 🗨
Author kawabaka (2 October 2023, 23:18) complain
Thanks for your comment though I believe they're actually right. It's not wrong for some pictures to be so big but this one actually could've been smaller so I will take that into account next times.
Liat (24 January 2024, 3:24) complain
I can't say it's necessarily difficult, because it isn't at all. What's difficult though is that given the puzzle is so massive, it is tedious to look up and down over and over again. That is what makes it difficult.
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