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Japanese crossword «Avocado»

Size: 31x30Picture:8/10Difficulty:4/10Added:21.08.23Author: ppcchheellkkaa

gutless (22 August 2023, 17:10) complain
I do like this image - had me guessing until I was on the last colour. Reality check, though, if that is indeed a leaf I see, it does not actually grow that way on this type of tree.
show: 1 🗨
Chorton (25 August 2023, 2:32) complain
You are right, but the cut half looks great!
kkezir (22 August 2023, 18:58) complain
swford (22 August 2023, 22:47) complain
Now I see it! The gray threw me off a bit.
Fun result!
elftrees (25 August 2023, 16:55) complain
Pear and...??? very enjoyable puzzle. there was a patern to the fidgetiness, which made it fun. Did not predict this result! Working down from the top, I thought it was going to a parrot for quite a while...(lol)
Voorschoten60 (30 August 2023, 22:52) complain
Nice! thank you
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