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Japanese crossword «Alessia (Anime)»

Size: 200x200Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:07.08.23Author: Arielle

maniac67 (9 August 2023, 10:42) complain
It is too large and boring
show: 1 🗨
Fast (27 September 2023, 19:23) complain
larger ones are better.
just make sure to use a large screen.
iPad is a little small to do this.
emzpens (9 August 2023, 16:50) complain
There is no reason at all for this to be as big as it is. Nobody has fun adding 100 in a row of the same color.
show: 3 🗨
Jackstract (11 August 2023, 22:30) complain
the 100+ in a row is honestly the reason I did this xD
I do wish there was a way to see which colours to fill when I'm zoomed in tho, so I don't have to go back and forth...
show: 1 🗨
wilkatis (10 January 2024, 3:53) complain
If you go to fullscreen mode, with the arrows on top left corner you can lock either top or side bar (and switch between them) to be shown despite you being zoomed in away from them
Liyah79 (15 August 2023, 17:11) complain
Speak for yourself. I actually like these big puzzles.
merrilee (18 August 2023, 20:10) complain
instead of complaining, be grateful someone is creating puzzles for us to do. keep up the good work Milanessa
Tpilgrim (22 August 2023, 4:22) complain
WOW!!! It's awesome!!!
logicdude61 (28 August 2023, 2:28) complain
Hmmmmmm... 6 hrs. 46 mins...so much for matching or beating the avg. time lol
Fast (27 September 2023, 19:24) complain
Very nice.
i love these large puzzles
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