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Japanese crossword «Mia (Anime)»

Size: 101x149Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:06.08.23Author: Arielle

iantgreat (7 August 2023, 19:26) complain
I haven't done this puzzle. I probably never will do this puzzle. But I do want to give kudos for the absolute stones it takes to make a 101X149 sized puzzle. That is SO big.
Blueperson1970 (7 August 2023, 23:38) complain
Amazing. Worth the time (3 hours)
shimccc (8 August 2023, 20:27) complain
It was a huge waste of time.
Tpilgrim (11 August 2023, 6:32) complain
WOW!! That was a huge puzzle. It was awesome
euro (13 August 2023, 19:54) complain
Also beautiful!! But I don't think it needs to be that big
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