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Japanese crossword «Panda»

Size: 23x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:30.06.23Author: yughik

Mimic_Voices (1 July 2023, 2:47) complain
so cuteee!!
Tpilgrim (1 July 2023, 4:48) complain
Ageleni (1 July 2023, 8:09) complain
Nice image, but from a solving standpoint, there wasn't any need for the second color, as it was just filling in the blanks after doing the back part.
show: 2 🗨
Sandrabulando (5 July 2023, 0:22) complain
I beg to differ. When space is used for coloring a white patch as well as making the background, the resulting picture lacks definition.
show: 1 🗨
Ageleni (5 July 2023, 5:18) complain
I'm not saying that the background should have been white. Just that there was no effort to fill in the gray once the black was done, because it was literally just filling in all the remaining spaces. If the background had had uneven edges, or a few white spaces for definition, it would have taken some thought to solve.
Sandrabulando (5 July 2023, 0:22) complain
Very cute.
mrsknitty (29 July 2023, 20:02) complain
Nice & easy quickie, thank you
ilovetoon1 (15 February 2024, 23:03) complain
10.39 n!cee
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