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Japanese crossword «Achilles in a duel»

Size: 100x80Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:27.06.23Author: Ayzhana

Jamic (30 June 2023, 15:14) complain
The shading and the left arm are somewhat weird but otherwise, it's very good.
nixx (30 June 2023, 15:43) complain
brad ! yes
cdericso (1 July 2023, 20:41) complain
Excellent image.
Author Ayzhana (3 July 2023, 18:34) complain
Thank you all for taking the time for my large puzzles, this is how I share my pixel art and my tastes. Someone already wrote the name of the actor I portrayed. I advise you to watch the old film "Troy" if you haven't watched it
Frankamg (7 July 2023, 2:12) complain
Loved it! Great puzzle!!
Kikker (3 August 2023, 8:24) complain
I enjoyed it, great
Spiros (14 April 2024, 20:33) complain
Great picture and puzzle ...!!!.
But, I think the picture should be named after the actor, combined with the movie, instead of just the original hero's character name.
The movie was a significantly diversifying version of the original Homer's book, not even carrying it's name.
Thank you ...!!!.
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