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Japanese crossword «Mushroom»

Size: 24x30Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:24.05.23Author: Mrgn_5

assassinassassin1 (25 May 2023, 4:39) complain
I want to say something positive but I didn't even finish the nonogram because 3 was way too close to white.
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iantgreat (26 May 2023, 21:37) complain
You missed out on a really good one then. Especially with for only 15 off-white squares. There's also the custom palette.
mdpetdoc (25 May 2023, 5:52) complain
It's a common subject but I enjoyed your shading.
Ingriduta (25 May 2023, 14:29) complain
Liked it
Puddings (25 May 2023, 17:46) complain
shading was nice but the colors were a little close together
merisea (26 May 2023, 7:46) complain
I like it^^
JuliusSnijders (26 May 2023, 9:55) complain
amazing :D
Bellie (26 May 2023, 18:15) complain
Struggled with the colors, but end result was nice!
iantgreat (26 May 2023, 21:36) complain
This looked great! I love the almost white. It was confusing, but since there was so little of it, it wasn't so bad.
Mairsybeth (27 May 2023, 7:42) complain
Very nice! I enjoyed doing the puzzle and loved the end result! Lovely shading
mrsknitty (27 May 2023, 19:18) complain
Lovely picture, struggled a little with the beige/grey colours, not numbered on my version & have to guess which is which when shades are close
Hardytax (31 May 2023, 4:59) complain
Really good. Shading was lovely, and I agree that with only 15 white squares, wasn't that confusing.
enbywaffle (7 June 2023, 15:09) complain
s h r o o m y. the mushroom is poisonous as well as a hallucinogen, so you can be high and die!
Kasting (14 June 2023, 10:53) complain
The off white adds a little pop, but I think it could have easily been replaced with blank spaces without altering the picture too much.
show: 1 🗨
babsiep (23 December 2023, 0:39) complain
I agree, was difficult to keep track on my screen.

The result is great though.
mrneil6 (6 November 2024, 7:46) complain
Was a royal pain in the ass to count so much, but the overall result was worth it - one of, if not the best of this subject matter
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