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Japanese crossword «Beagle»

Size: 22x21Picture:8/10Difficulty:4/10Added:29.04.23Author: mindscrub

Author mindscrub (30 April 2023, 0:14) complain
FYI, I am taking a break for an indefinite period. Thanks for all the support!
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msat (30 April 2023, 1:01) complain
We will miss you! Thanks for all the wonderful puzzles.
marina_v (30 April 2023, 1:20) complain
Well deserved break. Thank you.
Chorton (30 April 2023, 2:01) complain
This one is really clever. Thanks for all the great puzzles.
mdpetdoc (30 April 2023, 2:11) complain
Enjoy your break.
scsmith (30 April 2023, 3:19) complain
Thank you for the numerous hours of entertainment! I will miss your puzzles and hope to see you back someday
NancyUK (30 April 2023, 4:27) complain
I hope you’re off to do something else that’s just as clever and creative, mindscrub. Thanks for all the great puzzles, what a lovely one to end on!
Mik_Mel (30 April 2023, 9:10) complain
Thanks for scrubbing my mind every day. I will miss that.
Joyful break!
wisekaren (30 April 2023, 15:35) complain
You've earned it, but we will miss you and hope to see you back here with more wonderful puzzles!
Fadderuttan (30 April 2023, 16:14) complain
I already miss you!
CaileyShain (1 May 2023, 21:05) complain
Register for an account just now just to say thank you. All your puzzles have helped me relax while going through a tough time. I hope all is well and there is nothing bad about taking a break and some time for yourself!
kbilotta (1 May 2023, 23:27) complain
Enjoy your break! It is well-deserved. You've been making so many puzzles this year!
Sandrabulando (2 May 2023, 5:41) complain
I hope you come back soon, refreshed and full of new ideas.. Enjoy yourself.
inali (30 April 2023, 2:15) complain
Thank you and good luck!
JLB (30 April 2023, 3:14) complain
Thank you mindscrub for over two years of ingenuity, brilliance and challenge. Enjoy your rest but please consider coming back. This site has been so much richer for your talent and interaction with your many enthusiasts.
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JLB (30 April 2023, 3:18) complain
p.s. Did you realize you're in the Top Ten for number of puzzles?
Geedam (30 April 2023, 3:29) complain
Thank you! Your puzzles are great!
Maburg (30 April 2023, 9:14) complain
Thanks for all, mindscrub! Your puzzles are great, as well as your comments and explanations. I wish you have a good break.
LogicLvr (30 April 2023, 20:56) complain
Enjoy your well-earned break! We will miss you and all your great puzzles. Have a good rest and come back to start scrubbing us again soon!!
The-Nono-Gram (1 May 2023, 2:55) complain
It doesn't happen often, but I am at a loss for words.
John_Robertshaw (1 May 2023, 10:34) complain
Mind who?

Just joking mindscrub - you'll be sorely missed!
ab82 (1 May 2023, 20:00) complain
Thanks for all you've done!
TheCacklingCrow (2 May 2023, 1:29) complain
Thank you for so many wonderful puzzles!
I just recently made an account, and I'm clearly not the only one who has been quietly enjoying your puzzles for a long time without commenting (hello, CaileyShain) :)
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The-Nono-Gram (4 May 2023, 20:33) complain
Oh my, you must join the comment crowd. :D
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TheCacklingCrow (8 May 2023, 2:19) complain
:D Thanks, I'd be happy to :) I don't keep up with the new puzzles very well, so I might drift through, randomly sprinkling nonsense.
Onono (2 May 2023, 3:02) complain
So long, and thanks for all the fish ... and other, unexpected images. Drop in any time.
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Sandrabulando (2 May 2023, 5:45) complain
Hey, nice to find another DNA books lover.
Ageleni (2 May 2023, 3:12) complain
Aww, please come back soon!
thijs (2 May 2023, 12:08) complain
Thank you for your puzzles. Much appreciated.
babsghia (5 May 2023, 21:31) complain
great work. enjoy whatever you are doing next, thanks
clarkequay (9 May 2023, 20:35) complain
thanks for all your puzzles!!! enjoy your indefinite break :)
JLB (20 May 2023, 2:38) complain
So mindscrub. Don't know if you come back here from time to time. Or if there's something that alerts you to a new comment on one of your puzzles. I miss you - terribly. The challenge, the anticipation, the satisfaction at solving (and understanding) one of your puzzles. You don't have to be here every day but every now and then would be so rewarding. Please...
kc_lind (17 June 2023, 2:23) complain
RedFox65 (14 July 2023, 15:13) complain
Great Job!
Llyn (26 November 2023, 6:02) complain
Thank you and a belated enjoy your break, as we have enjoyed your puzzles.
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