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Japanese crossword «Guinea pig»

Size: 45x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:24.04.23Author: imari13

kerwincormier (25 April 2023, 3:52) complain
Oh my goodness! I used to have one just like this. Some of my favorite furry animals. They're so friendly! <3
margotpt (25 April 2023, 10:50) complain
How fun.
beaudeux (25 April 2023, 19:26) complain
Wonderful colours, and the picture is so cute. Thanks imari13, I'm waiting for the next !
wend (25 April 2023, 22:12) complain
I am a little bit slow today, got the apple straight away but took ages to realise that I was drawing a guinea pig, just love it, thank you
show: 1 🗨
loriebee (26 April 2023, 0:27) complain
wend, when commenting about what the subject is, please realize that some of us like to discover that for ourselves. I think there is a way to mark it as a spoiler alert and have the comment hidden until someone clicks on it. I have seen others do that. Thank you for understanding.
Ingriduta (25 April 2023, 22:43) complain
So so cute
loriebee (26 April 2023, 17:01) complain
Lovely to watch appear on the screen!
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