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Japanese crossword «Tree»

Size: 20x39Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:10.04.23Author: Feniks1992

Ageleni (11 April 2023, 5:50) complain
This would have benefitted so much by some asymmetry. It would have been more interesting to solve, would have resulted in a prettier picture, and would have acknowledged the fact that the real-life version of this is never, ever symmetrical. It was boring to solve. It's obvious what it is going to be almost immediately, there is no challenge, no logic, it basically solves itself. I've liked some of your other puzzles, but this one is a dud.
show: 1 🗨
Jimbobovalsocks (24 January 2024, 19:44) complain
Yes, I agree with you. Not a great puzzle.
Ingriduta (11 April 2023, 10:50) complain
Easy, but nice
flowerpotss (11 April 2023, 22:42) complain
i like it. looks like a video game sprite!
Sdawg_Colorado (12 April 2023, 5:20) complain
I LOVE symmetry !!! Thank you so much !!!
Heather_Williams (12 April 2023, 10:21) complain
Enjoyed the siimplicity and symmetry of this one, it is good to have some quick and easy puzzles to do in my coffee break.
JonLennox (13 April 2023, 0:14) complain
I thought it might be a lime popsicle.
show: 1 🗨
Jimbobovalsocks (24 January 2024, 19:45) complain
Me too. Right until I saw the title! I
James777 (20 April 2023, 5:40) complain
From the bottom up - avocado, kiwi and lime.
swford (12 May 2023, 0:41) complain
or maybe cotton candy?
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