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Japanese crossword «Cuno Amiet - Portrait De Greti Adam»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:26.03.23Author: Eric_Windeman

name (27 March 2023, 14:28) complain
I really wish these could be tagged NSFW. Tired of so many female nudes. Really not appropriate. Take it to a porn site if you need this.
show: 8 🗨
Jamic (27 March 2023, 17:27) complain
There IS an 18+ tag on this website.

And usually, nude pictures ARE tagged as 18+.

I wonder why this one is not.
Mafalda_Belo (30 March 2023, 3:38) complain
You call it porn. Others call it art.


Thanks Eric_Windeman to introduce me a new artist!
show: 4 🗨
Author Eric_Windeman (30 March 2023, 18:37) complain
Don't be grateful, contact us!)
Author Eric_Windeman (30 March 2023, 18:38) complain
Thank you! There are a lot of artists! everyone is interesting in their own way...
Jamic (11 April 2023, 10:10) complain
So what ? This is porn (or at least erotic) art and it should be tagged 18+.
show: 1 🗨
Author Eric_Windeman (13 April 2023, 16:21) complain
Why are you writing this in the comments to me? Write to the resource administration. I post crosswords, I have no authority to give them a rating!)
Author Eric_Windeman (30 March 2023, 18:35) complain
yěxǔ nǐ yǐjīng kěyǐ shǐyòng láizì zīyuán guǎnlǐ de fǎnkuì bìng xúnwèn?
Totoche (17 April 2023, 2:03) complain
Pornography is the display of bodies in obscene poses without an artistic character, for example the penetration of a female sex by a male sex. The paintings that Eric Winderman reproduces in these nonograms are exhibited in museums welcoming audiences of all ages. So if YOU see porn here, you have a big problem. It is not even eroticism, as another participant said, because there is not even a suggestion of a sexual act. Nudity and sexuality are two completely separate things, there are people who have coitus barely exposing their bodies, and in naturism camps, people hang out completely naked without it causing an erection.
kkezir (28 March 2023, 18:47) complain
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