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Japanese crossword «Bear»

Size: 105x115Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:26.11.22Author: Tatiana1993

Julie_Sanders (27 November 2022, 15:21) complain
Great 5 hrs spent!
Jamic (28 November 2022, 21:07) complain
Too... Much... Cuteness... Must... Resist... Urge... To... Hug...
MonicaM (4 December 2022, 22:46) complain
LindR (25 December 2022, 7:57) complain
I nearly gave up, because the scrolling made me mad! But now I see it was worth it!
ddb (29 December 2022, 16:56) complain
Takes 5-7 hours... but the picture is definitely pretty, the high definition is worth it
Angel1966 (8 January 2023, 18:53) complain
So cute!!
Nonoglawm (12 January 2023, 14:15) complain
Legitimate Question: I want to do this puzzle this weekend, but I have no idea how you start with puzzles this big. Is there any recommendation on whether to start counting the crosses or anything? I just spent looking 5 mins for the first space I could surely fill... thanks in advance!
show: 2 🗨
indigohorse (14 January 2023, 8:20) complain
I love the huge puzzles- I look for the lines with the biggest numbers for a single color (in this puzzle, the one's with 50 oranges) since they're the most likely to have spots to fill. And going fullscreen helps too!
show: 1 🗨
Nonoglawm (15 January 2023, 16:23) complain
Thank you so much. I didn't have the time to do it until now, but I might try it tonight. Your insight helped me out a lot and I'll let you know how it went! Thanks :-)
zoeyhp21 (11 March 2024, 8:41) complain
This is literally so cute! I love it so much!
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