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Japanese crossword «Christmas boot»

Size: 30x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:16.02.16Author: Tverianka

rebelsong (25 May 2016, 23:32) complain
That's something I'd like to see in my stocking!
Jolanda_Smeets (27 July 2017, 21:04) complain
Cute and fun to solve, thanks
starg8fans (31 October 2017, 11:09) complain
Cute picture, but please don't encourage people to give pets as Christmas gifts, unless they're committed to look after them even when the holidays are over.
tcookie16 (11 December 2021, 22:59) complain
Happy to do this one at this time of year.
Ageleni (2 July 2022, 23:41) complain
Aww, the subject kept changing as I solved it, and got better and better!
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