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Japanese crossword «Poodle»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:13.02.16Author: NOnim

nonomai (2 September 2016, 4:30) complain
Whew, that was quite a challenge. Nice picture though, good balance between dithering and playability.
Dizzy (7 October 2016, 15:51) complain
Very nice.
Jolanda_Smeets (3 August 2017, 21:12) complain
Difficult but very beautiful and nice colors, thanks.
poppliopal (12 October 2022, 18:51) complain
Quite tricky, but what a beautiful result! The texture to the fur is so pretty! I started off the puzzle by doing colors 1, 2, 3, and 4 one at a time, and it was really interesting how with just those colors done you could see nearly the whole image minus the texturing!
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