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Japanese crossword «Alaskan Malamute»

Size: 45x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:13.02.16Author: NOnim

Headrock (20 May 2017, 10:58) complain
The black and dark-gray are way too close to one another, the puzzle is just needlessly harder than it could be. :(
Jolanda_Smeets (4 August 2017, 17:16) complain
Hard to see the difference between the dark colors but the picture is beautiful!
lenny_kouwenberg (7 October 2017, 18:40) complain
Gorgeous picture, but the similarity between dark grey and black in the columns is a problem
Dutch_Dude (2 November 2017, 23:26) complain
In response to previous comments on this puzzle, I can see the different colors perfectly, check the settings on your monitor, or get your eyes examined! Great picture, nice balanced difficulty.
kpschafer (27 November 2017, 0:58) complain
The colors were easy to decipher, and I'm using a cheap computer. It is these people's eye issues or their monitor
Sadib (12 December 2017, 22:49) complain
Thanks for having two shades of black.
Fran (15 October 2018, 22:04) complain
Liked it a lot! With enough screen light, the difference between black/grey is reasonably visible.
dhnyny (21 November 2022, 21:57) complain
Two shades of black is too difficult for my screen
kjhmusic (2 March 2024, 5:08) complain
Beautiful picture. The dogs are all wonderful.
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