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Japanese crossword «Bikini»

Size: 23x40Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:11.10.22Author: mindscrub

Tom_Karzes (12 October 2022, 3:59) complain
Interesting to solve.
show: 4 🗨
stelkam (12 October 2022, 12:01) complain
In my opinion too. Not trivial, great one
show: 2 🗨
Scooter (12 October 2022, 14:34) complain
Me three! This is basically 2 puzzles stitched together.
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Author mindscrub (13 October 2022, 21:00) complain
Thank you, yes, I agree, it made for quite the solve.
The-Nono-Gram (13 October 2022, 21:26) complain
And not overly easy.
elftrees (13 October 2022, 14:50) complain
OK as a puzzle, but where is the mouth? No hands! No legs! Ihis woman has no agency! I know that the point was the clothing, but I've seen too many images of helpless women. Would you please make a similar one sometime of a man's skimpy clothes in a similar style just to make things feel more equal? Thanks.
show: 2 🗨
Author mindscrub (13 October 2022, 21:00) complain
I did that with the "skimpy" male one that followed ( www.nonograms.org/nonograms2/i/59978 ). And both hands and legs are included; just not feet. I show my reference picture here. It is only meant to model a bikini, not to put women down. I added eyes but a mouth looked weird. Also, nonograms work better with curves than straight lines, so female drawings tend to work better, which is why I have done more of them. But I will see what I can do to improve representation. Women are equal and must not be objectified.
show: 1 🗨
Sandrabulando (18 October 2022, 14:47) complain
To my mind, the fun of solving small nonograms is to get a recognizible object using very few pixels. Our brains are capable of imagining features missing. In particular, my brain is happier filling in missing features than to getting an uggly picture with all features depicted. So please, Mindscrub, keep on doing small nonograms, carefully choosing what to show and what to hide, and leave completely explicit pictures to large nonograms lovers.
elftrees (13 October 2022, 14:50) complain
PS regarding kwebb's comment LOL!
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