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Japanese crossword «Queen Sectonia (Kirby)»

Size: 121x104Picture:9/10Difficulty:9/10Added:21.09.22Author: Bennlow

euro (23 September 2022, 22:47) complain
It's beautifull!!! thanks.
Julie_Sanders (23 September 2022, 23:25) complain
What fun more!
Angel1966 (8 October 2022, 19:23) complain
Difficult but very beautiful!
pbodyiv (20 October 2022, 23:54) complain
Legit took me a month to complete. Beautiful.
LindR (25 October 2022, 18:52) complain
Now I am wiping my brow!!! Hard work!
robi80 (6 November 2022, 2:33) complain
Very challenging & rewarding
Hoi (13 December 2022, 19:43) complain
So time consuming
cdericso (20 December 2022, 2:36) complain
Whew!! This was a real challenge with an excellent result. I had to walk away several times. Thank you.
genie45 (3 January 2023, 16:22) complain
castanozo (6 March 2023, 20:15) complain
What is it?
nambgu (16 June 2023, 4:53) complain
This took me time but it was good!
dwaynejohnsonvbucks (3 August 2023, 6:05) complain
kentauros (7 December 2023, 3:30) complain
92h. I spent the first 15h watching around for a starting block. After 15hrs I colored only 15 blocks, however after finally finding a good start I was really bored to finish it. I could've finished it 50h or less with a good start. The difficult part of this puzzle is indeed not the puzzle itself but finding the starting point, because after that the puzzle becomes really easy. The ending was a bit harder than the average difficulty of this puzzle but doable. GL
Headrock (15 February 2024, 15:47) complain
I have the dubious honor of being the author of the two hardest puzzles on this website, and I have to admit I might lose that honor soon because of this puzzle. It is one of the most difficult puzzles I've ever solved. It fights you WITH EVERY STEP until the VERY END. It's torture.

However, if you are a brave puzzler or just have plenty of time on your hands, I'll reply to this post with a spoiler that gives a few hints to help you... suffer less.
show: 1 🗨
Headrock (15 February 2024, 15:56) complain
Start along the bottom. There are several long blocks you can anchor to, and eventually you will start building a large shape that makes up the bottom 1/3 of the puzzle.
Don't expect to solve much on the left side. Focus on vertical columns 40-50. You can fill up most of those columns immediately, then start to work around them. You want to advance TO THE LEFT, leave the right side of the puzzle UNTOUCHED until you're done with the left side.
Finally you will reach the end section, which is the top-right quarter of the puzzle. Brace yourself, THIS IS WHERE THE REAL PAIN BEGINS. Work around the edges at first - there's almost nothing you can or need to do in the center of the wing. You'll have to go almost cell-by-cell to figure out what color each cell can and can't be. You'll slowly find yourself filling in this section primarily from the right side, then from the top. Each step will only "unlock" a dozen cells at most, often even less, so don't expect long streaks of solves - YOU WON'T GET ANY.
Good luck.
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