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Japanese crossword «Dalmatians»

Size: 45x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:10.02.16Author: NOnim

Mairsybeth (11 April 2016, 7:51) complain
So Cute! The Black and dark gray are very, very hard to distinguish, making it more difficult.
Jolanda_Smeets (8 August 2017, 17:47) complain
Very beautiful.I agree with Mary for the dark colors.
starg8fans (26 October 2017, 7:31) complain
I love all your beautiful dog puzzles, but this is the best one so far. The expressiveness of the face is amazing. Thank you!
sallyg (6 June 2019, 9:28) complain
This is one of the cutest, sweetest pictures I've found on here - I could just look at this face for hours! Thank you so much - a great puzzle!
poppliopal (4 March 2023, 18:11) complain
This one is precious! And all the negative space really made for one of the most challenging puzzles that I’ve done from this series yet! Excellent job!
kjhmusic (16 February 2024, 21:38) complain
Very nice. I like the yellow touches.
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