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Japanese crossword «Electro»

Size: 23x28Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:10.08.22Author: Small-boss

flowerpotss (11 August 2022, 10:18) complain
the yellows made my eyeballs burn
Phoeniks (11 August 2022, 14:15) complain
Yellows did make my eyes hurt a bit
swford (11 August 2022, 22:53) complain
When I first saw those yellows I said, "Oh HELL no!" But I tried it anyway, and relied on counting to solve. Not fun.
cabalay (12 August 2022, 1:47) complain
Is this a Poptropica reference? Never thought I'd see that here, thank you! Big part of my childhood.
lavakitten (23 August 2022, 18:27) complain
The resulting image is good, but the yellows were visually painful and the contrast was difficult to see. Maybe if the background had a color rather than whitespace it wouldn't have been so difficult to see. Thanks for the puzzle!
stelkam (2 April 2023, 20:37) complain
Oh no, these yellows, I'll not touch...
My EYES!!!
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