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Japanese crossword «Beehive»

Size: 17x16Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:24.07.22Author: mindscrub

pup4ever (25 July 2022, 3:23) complain
Thanks mindscrub!
swford (25 July 2022, 18:31) complain
I'm having a tough time getting this started. I'll have to come back to it.
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Author mindscrub (25 July 2022, 19:10) complain
Thanks for that comment... I've been on a quest to create a fiendish small color nonogram!
show: 1 🗨
Puzzled (26 July 2022, 7:28) complain
In that case, well done. :-)
Anaderol (26 July 2022, 4:52) complain
I just used a wild guess as to where to position the four black squares in the first column - it worked. :):)
Phil_Jackson (26 July 2022, 9:14) complain
Fiendish to star indeed Mindscrub. Mission accomplished. :)
Ageleni (27 July 2022, 9:46) complain
Man, I am trying to figure out a way to build on those first few easy moves without guessing. I might have to come back to this later as well.
Ageleni (27 July 2022, 10:04) complain
Okay, I kept at it. After the first few easy placements, there are some good clues on the lower left side, and once you figure those out, the rest falls into place very quickly. Definitely not for a novice! Nice job, Mindscrub!
The-Nono-Gram (31 July 2022, 1:00) complain
I wish I had seen this on its release date.
Yedesais (5 August 2022, 20:39) complain
Absolutely the most minimal clues possible. Very nice!
Chorton (7 August 2022, 2:19) complain
I often steer clear of two colour ones with black, as they imply outlined cartoon characters...but because it is a mindscrub I did it, an it was indeed fiendishly clever!
aussieinca (8 August 2022, 3:45) complain
Definitely kept ne busy
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3strikesurout (6 November 2022, 22:31) complain
Clever comment!
3strikesurout (6 November 2022, 22:33) complain
Wow, that was hard. Definitely took me a lot of time to figure out where certain segments could go and where certain colors couldn't be placed. Fantastic job, mindscrub!
Llyn (5 July 2023, 8:07) complain
Good tricky puzzle, got going after 3 false starts. Well done and thank you!
physmatics (13 December 2024, 19:18) complain
This was very fun to solve for me.
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